

Assignment :1

Basics in PHP

Practice Questions

Q.1 Write a PHP script to perform arithmetic operations on two numbers (Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication Division ).:

Q.2 Write a PHP script to display a maximum of two numbers using a conditional operator.:

Q.3 :Write a PHP script that will perform pre and post-increment of a number. (Example ++a, a++).

Set A

Q.1Write a PHP Script to display Quotient and Remainder of the division of two variables.

Q.2. Write a PHP Script to swap the values of two variables.

Q.3. Write a PHP Script which will convert temperatures from Celsius(C)to Fahrenheit (F). (Hint: C=5.0/9(F-32)

Set B

Q.1 : Write a PHP Script to display the surface area and volume of a cuboid. (Hint: surface area=2(lb+lh+bh ), volume = l*b*h )

Q.2 : Write a PHP Script to calculate the area of Circle, Square, and Rectangle.

Q.3 : Write a PHP Script to display the total and percentage of Marks of Subjects (Out of 100) Data Structure, Digital Marketing, PHP, SE, and Bigdata.

Set C

Q.1 :Write a PHP Script to calculate the total cost of AIR Ticket Reservation and display the details for Name, Address, Contact No, Source, Destination, Date of journey, Gender of passenger, No of Persons, Price per Ticket, etc.